
Maintain optimal oral health with our preventive services, providing treatments and services that safeguard and nurture the health of your teeth, preventing dental issues before they arise.

Tooth Cleaning (Scaling & Polishing)

A treatment used for the removal of the plaque and calculus from the tooth surface to prevent gum disease and inflammation.

Tooth Cleaning (Scaling & Polishing)

Scaling and Root Planning

A treatment that involves the removal of hard and soft deposits from teeth and of the lining around the teeth.

Scaling and Root Planning

Topical Fluoridation

A treatment that involves applying fluoride solutions and gels to promote re-mineralization of enamel.

Topical Fluoridation

Pit and Fissure Sealants

A procedure that applies thin plastic coatings to the grooves on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to protect them from tooth decay.

Pit and Fissure Sealants

Night Guard/Splint

A treatment for patients with parafunctions like grinding of teeth causing severe muscle pain and tooth wear.

Night Guard/Splint